In this class i will help you to get started with forex trading from scratch.
Learn about all the Basics of Forex Trading and Forex Market
You don't need to be a scholar or educated for learning forex, you just need to be hard working and patient enough.
I will explain each and every little basic of forex trading in the simplest possible way, So that you can understand it correctly and get started with forex trading.
So, if you want to learn forex trading then you can watch this 1st module.
Watch Here (Free Link ) -
From a user's POV:
The SS
Udemy is also not very good as it allows pure krap to be posted and sold, but it is still way better than SS.
Perhaps you (as the author) might consider either posting your course(s) at Udemy, or - maybe just making a RAR of the modules and sharing that with us here at the forum ??
Now, having looked at what you've offered here over at SS, it seems very much like what others are doing via Udemy:
Posting teasers to get folks to buy their real product and/or subscribe to their lists.
(Especially as this is titled volume 1...)
Seeing your site:
And where it offers this:
For a mere $499 gives me another thought to share=>
Perhaps offer that here as a BSO at a price that members can actually afford ??
Naturally my eternal question also applies here as well...
If the OP is making such a great income via his trading - why offer the various other products at all ??

The course is nice for someone who is getting in forex.
Nicely explained
[quote='smithnowt' pid='2741579' dateline='1556328219']
Seeing your site:
And where it offers this:
For a mere $499 gives me another thought to share=>
Perhaps offer that here as a BSO at a price that members can actually afford ??
Thanks for comment.. Reps.
Now OP has started a BSO, but the price is $499 and no review copy.
Apparently the OP is quite certain that he has an almost captive audience here...
After all - there's just loads of us sitting upon cushions stuffed with extra ca$h that needs to be tossed someplace, right ?!?
For someone with chunks of $500 and $1000 just waiting for places to put it - great, BUT:
WTH is someone in such a situation doing here - slumming, perhaps ??
This is all quite silly, IMO.