04-24-2019, 11:50 PM
Aren't you sick of the monotony of grinding it out and wishing that the right opportunity just lands in your lap to free you? Read this book to find out the right way to immediately start your journey as an entrepreneur in real estate. You should NOT be trying to "invest" in real estate but, rather, become a real estate entrepreneur. This book makes the difference very clear and reveals many things that most books in this industry fail to address. The truth is that before you even touch real estate, there are some essential items that need to be addressed and this book explains them. It talks about subtle things that may be happening in your life right now that could be sabotaging your entrepreneurial success without your even knowing it. This book reveals how to actually get paid from real deals that don't require lots of start up capital and credit. The bottom line is that real estate is the oldest and best business in the world because you can be an entrepreneur without trying to start some new idea, product, or service and hope people buy it from you. That's way too risky in this day and age. Take advantage of a product that already exists - Homes. This book breaks down, step by step, how to simply get in and out with a nice profit.
Amazon sales page - https://www.amazon.com/Flip-Unconvention...1524&psc=1
Download Page - https://mega.nz/#!6CZgzCpC!veMALxcHC76VH...td_eo5U2Uw
Amazon sales page - https://www.amazon.com/Flip-Unconvention...1524&psc=1
Download Page - https://mega.nz/#!6CZgzCpC!veMALxcHC76VH...td_eo5U2Uw