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Hello Everyone, Im new here, I think this forum is great. Perfect 10 but I can comment or see other post. Hope I can soon.

Hi Seoph8,

Welcome to the forum. Rather than the lounge, the more apt place for intro thread is, well ... the Introductions section:

Commenting/posting/accessing the section comes with progression from new member to higher levels.

This is cool, but how you can progress if you cannot post?
(04-29-2019 08:07 AM)bitwizer Wrote: [ -> ]This is cool, but how you can progress if you cannot post?

Newcomers can post. Some sections have moderation controls which delay the visibility of the post till the same is approved by staff, other sections can be freely posted to, with the post becoming immediately visible. Yet other sections are only accessible after elevation of rank (e.g. SVIP sections).

Op is already paid vip so he probably can already comment and post. Some forums here is moderated though so you don’t see your comments right away
(05-30-2019 01:01 AM)feefiefohfum Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-29-2019 08:07 AM)bitwizer Wrote: [ -> ]This is cool, but how you can progress if you cannot post?

Newcomers can post. Some sections have moderation controls which delay the visibility of the post till the same is approved by staff, other sections can be freely posted to, with the post becoming immediately visible. Yet other sections are only accessible after elevation of rank (e.g. SVIP sections).


Can senior like you access vip?

I could be wrong, but OP probably became SVIP after posting this topic (could have sworn he was a noobie then). If not and was already SVIP, then I feel like a doofus :-)


Nope, I can't access the section! "Senior" member designation is merely for the post count (excluding Udemy section).

(06-06-2019 03:09 AM)feefiefohfum Wrote: [ -> ]@mav6362,

I could be wrong, but OP probably became SVIP after posting this topic (could have sworn he was a noobie then). If not and was already SVIP, then I feel like a doofus :-)


Nope, I can't access the section! "Senior" member designation is merely for the post count (excluding Udemy section).


Your rep is more than I have, you should be vip
I mean there should be new rules that bypass great contributors to vip... shouldn’t it?

I follow the philosophy of: help and contribute, but don't expect any rewards or recognition for the same. As reps are a way for members to show their appreciation - either way (whether a SVIP or not), I'm fine!

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