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Full Version: [GET] Writing Pack 39GB (Link Updated)
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Please, someone re upload this helpful share!
This share looks amazing, would also appreciate reupload/mirror
Surely there are people that downloaded this. Can you share if you have it, please?
I can reup this if any one knows of any torrent tracker (private or public) that will keep up just one ziped file locked with password without any info to unlock it exept here... on PM. I will not reup to mega again. its to big and take 2 much time beside that they will take it down again.
Hello there Znj1377, If you can manage to get it up into the ether somewhere I'll make a mirror to keep it up. I will personally keep a copy of this offline in case it needs to be reuploaded for someone who needs it in the future. Fair enough?
(04-10-2020 12:27 PM)j3zr33l Wrote: [ -> ]Hello there Znj1377, If you can manage to get it up into the ether somewhere I'll make a mirror to keep it up. I will personally keep a copy of this offline in case it needs to be reuploaded for someone who needs it in the future. Fair enough?

Dude NO! I have staited my terms. You can say to me like many before you did... just give it to me and I will share it with cummunity... I uploaded to people like that more than 1tb of data on their accs... and they did not share it with the community. After they got it they went dark. So this time... no more shit like that. A public tracker or nothing that is the deal NO DEVIATION FROM IT! For all or for none!
Uhhh, that's one hell of an emotional response there buddy. It's not that serious. Are you ok? You sound like a used up middle-aged thot. Please, stop it.

I was trying to help you because you took the time to share such a huge file in the first place and I understand how annoying it can be to upload files that large.

Here, take some time, relax and make it yours:
Link Updated!
What is the password for the file? I try with the regular password but doesn't work. Thanks for this.
use the default password just change the 1st letter from b to B like its said in the OP. And use last version of winrar or 7zip to unpack.
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