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The most exciting moment of a paranormal investigation is when contact is made with someone―or something―on the other side. There's nothing in the world that compares to the feeling of a spirit brushing your skin or the thrill of conversing with an unknown entity who responds to questions by manipulating the lights.

Author Robin Strom's passion for collecting evidence of the paranormal has made her a trusted expert in the field. On the Hunt for the Haunted is a book of Robin's most fascinating investigations and her most compelling proof. Using an arsenal of professional equipment for detecting, measuring, and recording activity, Robin and her team repeatedly make contact with the other side, tirelessly seeking answers to one of the world's most enigmatic riddles―what happens when we die?

Perfect for a late night read, thanks and reps given.
Looking forward to diving into this one! Thanks for sharing.
re-up request

re-up request

Interesting! Thanks for re-up. Reputation given. Thank you again!

Thanks Nice Thread Happydance
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