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For anyone not familiar with Beyond Compare, this can be a real treat !!

Very seldom do I think some s/w is great, but this one is.
It does so many things and does them very well indeed.

Got some sort of USB drive you want to sync with your PC - but don't want a full backup app or the hassle of waiting for it to fully copy each time ??

Easy - do a full sync with BC once, then every time after it'll just add what is different.

And so on - too much to mention so look here for yourself:
(It sells for $60 per seat, BTW.)

What I'm sharing is the fix for V4.x.x.xxxxx and that's the good news.

The bad news is this=>

24 engines detected this file - 24/71
SHA-256    2d6f531591fed141199017a76929b0f1b44343d510d6087f63f07acd57528ecf
File name    KG.exe
File size    238 KB
Last analysis    2019-04-09 02:11:03 UTC
Community score    +47

Notice the community score - it is means they think that this is really OK, otherwise it would be all negative - but you be the judge for yourself.
Mostly the detections are trojan gen variants common to keygens by AVs that are set up to discourage folks from using w*r*z.

You can get the most recent version 4.x here:

And the medicine should take care of it just fine.

Please note:
I haven't used this myself because my OS is only compatible with their V3.x - which I've been happy to have for years already.

After seeing the above, if you want it, go here (new and working) :
Magic Button :

I hope some folks here will find this very useful !!
Download link doesn't work.
Re-upped and updated OP.
Thank for sharing!
Virus Total
Already provided TWICE and explained:
(09-16-2019 06:26 PM)blackhatwarrior Wrote: [ -> ]Virus Total
VT link provided in the OP and ALSO at the sharing site;
Did you not bother to read the OP ?!!
This s/w is still a favourite of mine as it does so much, so very well and easily.
(You can even use it to make file backups...)

It is also still quite spendy - but lucky for us, we can avoid that part !!

Get the installer for your OS here:

When I'd posted about this S/W here in 2019, I couldn't yet use it because I needed an older version for my chosen OS (Linux), but now I am using the latest version thanks to the KG which I'd shared here originally.

It works for windows, or mac and also for Linux with a little careful tweaking.

Here is a direct SF link for the fix ONLY:

Magic Button :

NOW - before anyone goes haywire about it being clean or not - frankly I did not have to care because I use Linux - but if you are a scaredycat I'm telling you RIGHT EFFING NOW that the VT for this will scare the pants right offa you !!!

Here, see for yourself - 29/71 - really awful, right ??:


Unfortunately for windows users, to get this free in the pro version the EXE of it must be patched by the fix that I'm sharing here.
(For mac users, I have no idea 'cuz I ain't one of those myself anymore.

So I'm offering to help out the windoze users who don't want to use that fix in TWO WAYS:
1 - I'm making a share of the portable, which should open and run as regged;
2 - If asked nicely, I can patch the EXE for you and provide a working key as well.

Here is the portable for windows:

Magic Button :
Standard PW used in all instances,VT at the multi-sharing site.

Finally, if you happen to be a Linux user, I can tell you how to make this s/w work under that OS too.

Enjoy and Prosper !!
61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart
Thank you your highness, you're super awesome. I luv the portable, max reps.
Very cute reply Amievoo !!

I'm just an old guy who has been involved in the w*r*z scene as long as it has been around and my shares are aimed at helping others;
If that goal is met, I am delighted - and words of thanks are always appreciated.
(Please - no attempts at ego stroking - it is very unbecoming and serves no helpful purpose.)
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