This is about helping Local Service Businesses (plumbers, hvac, etc.) get their Google Guarantee Badge and managing their local advertising account with Google, for recurring monthly income.
Anyone have this?
It seems this is already "out there" put out by " Guillermo Mata" awhile back if I'm not mistaken.
Thanks pvguy! That's good enough for me.
pvguy, Repped
Still would like to see the software and full course.
I found the quick start guide also. And if you go to their website you can go through their videos and figure out their checklist (I’d use gravity forms for the same functionality). You can also view the demos for the two Otos and could probably figure out how to do this with gravity forms also. I’ve already looked at them and feel like they aren’t worth getting myself. To be honest, after doing a couple of google searches for myself, I feel like it would be better to manually search.
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