Struggling to Rank Your Website Higher and Get More Traffic?
​Download This New 1-CLICK SEO Plugin For Wordpress That Will Get You 1000s of Backlinks on AUTOPILOT and Help Rank Your Site Higher...
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Just purchased and will have a look and see what I can share. Give me 48 hours
Its through their portal and has an api so cant be shared, sorry
@rodmcc - Not if you value your site. The links made will be very low quality and ignored by Google because, although they match by keyword, the relevancy will be zero. The links will be just above spam grade. You also have no ability to select which backlinks are used. Now look at who they link to - Adobe (for example). so that will be a be-follow link, which has zero seo value. The plugin is aimed at ignorant noobs as a problem solver when it's really just junk that does not do the job.