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Full Version: [REQ] Barry Gumm Books
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Pages: 1 2
Hi everybody!

Can someone please share any/all of the following books by Barry Gumm:

1. NO:1 Market Top Secret

2. Market Triangulation: Increase your targeting accuracy to over 95%

3. The Mathematically Correct Triangulation Rhythm Model : Second Addition

I have "The Mathematically Correct Wave Triangulation Rhythm Model", here is its download link:

Great share - dark_side

Most people won't know what to do with this offering.

It is very Gann-esque. (W.D.Gann)

I think Gumm's ideas about precise targets could be of great use for "set-up" traders.

This book is great for position traders as me.
Thanks OP for this.
Would love to get the rest of his collections myself but the price tag put me to a hold for now.
Anybody has it and willing to exchange with some of my never before shared collections?

[Image: 41Ext4XnwnL._SX260_.jpg][Image: 412c2hu9FuL._SY346_.jpg][Image: 419eRN5b6DL._SY346_.jpg][Image: 41d3dgLbG7L._SY346_.jpg]
[Image: 51aPWIol7HL.jpg]
Got this link of "NO:1 Market Top Secret" from another forum. Thanks to the original uploader.

This file is in azw format, so it will open only in Amazon Kindle.
(03-01-2019 09:37 PM)dark_side Wrote: [ -> ]Got this link of "NO:1 Market Top Secret" from another forum. Thanks to the original uploader.

This file is in azw format, so it will open only in Amazon Kindle.

Thanks mate.
Check your PM.
Sent you a gift.
thanks for sharing:)
From another Site

The Mathematically Correct Wave Triangulation Rhythm Model - Barry Gumm

The Mathematically Correct Wave Triangulation Rhythm Model - Barry Gumm
(03-03-2019 11:55 AM)ganeshedge Wrote: [ -> ]From another Site

The Mathematically Correct Wave Triangulation Rhythm Model - Barry Gumm

The Mathematically Correct Wave Triangulation Rhythm Model - Barry Gumm

Thanks mate. Saved me some money before purchasing it.
(03-03-2019 11:55 AM)ganeshedge Wrote: [ -> ]From another Site

The Mathematically Correct Wave Triangulation Rhythm Model - Barry Gumm

The Mathematically Correct Wave Triangulation Rhythm Model - Barry Gumm

I think its the same book which I shared in post 1. Can you get its 'second addition'? Thanks.
Yes dark_side same book I forget to check....

I got another one book......but i don't know book is correct one or not.....plz check....

Books -Drive
Pages: 1 2
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