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Full Version: [REQ] Alfa Scalper (C*Bank)
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Hello Everyone!

This forex indicator looks pretty good...

Does anyone have this to share - Alfa Scalper? Or, interested in buying it together?


Thanks in advance! :)
Bump bump bump :)
Daily bump...Hoping to get this one soon!

Or, is there anyone interested in buying to use and get the alerts on demo unlimited accounts? Lmk...
Would like to see this one,
but I always ask myself if I found a system would I sell it or need to?
This is a Karl Ditman product, it won't help you, he makes his money selling his products on clickbank, not from trading.
Just my advice, stay away from him.
(02-24-2019 11:41 PM)citius37 Wrote: [ -> ]This is a Karl Ditman product, it won't help you, he makes his money selling his products on clickbank, not from trading.
Just my advice, stay away from him.

True dat. Heard some negative remarks about this same guy in another forum. Stay away guys.
Yeah, I heard about ole' Karl as well...

If we can get it for free to check it out, then there's no harm! :-D
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