02-22-2019, 11:04 PM
For each referral, you will get 1000 GELDC, worth USD 500, in your account. You can transfer your GELDC to your wallet as soon as you reached 10 referrals. Click the button named "Request payout of 10000 GELDC" when you have available 10000 GELDC, worth USD 5000, and to request 10000 GELDC to your GELDC wallet. ATTENTION: WE TERMINATE YOUR ACC IF YOU CREATE FAKE USER ACCS.
GELDC is listed at Boerse and GELD at yobit.
Invite 10 people and get 10000 GELDC worth USD 5000. Payment to your GELDC wallet Mon-Fri within 48h-72h.
reg here Boerse
more details https://t.me/sgeldercoins
GELDC is listed at Boerse and GELD at yobit.
Invite 10 people and get 10000 GELDC worth USD 5000. Payment to your GELDC wallet Mon-Fri within 48h-72h.
reg here Boerse
more details https://t.me/sgeldercoins