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Very excited to be on here! My first impression is that many contributors here are awesome. I have seen so many forums just die down across the years that I thought my searches would be useless - but to my great surprise, here is BBHF and its community!

See, one important thing for me is the community aspect - I highly value human interactions. Took me a few days to browse around and see if I was really going to stick around and YESSSSS, I will.

While I can in no ways say that I'm some sort of Guru in AM or so - I can definitely help some of you get around with Google and Facebook ads, persuasion copywriting and split testing.

Trying to keep it short so I'll go directly to why I'm here:
-learning how to monetize my current skills, I'm just so sick of the rat race
-interacting with like minded people and sharing what I find useful

For the past 3 years I have been buying and trying tons of Jv products and IMPLEMENTING them - most of them are crap, some do work, but not for long.

My advice for any newbies reading this is - your momma was right, stay away from anything that looks to good to be true.

I'm a full time ad specialist and make a living working for a (very) successful agency which I wont mention. But the thing is - this is not the life I want - working my @ss off 10hours/day, making others get clients and making a fortune, while I'm just barely earning enough to get through the month.

Well, I'll keep it short and end it here :) I'll do my best to make it a successful journey!

Cheers people and see you around
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