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>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<<

Only the first link actually worked, but the file was corrupted. Hey Musclelegman did you get a working copy?
googoo911...I downloaded this and it unpacked just fine. Files all seem OK.

I uploaded more mirrors here:
@watchthebirdie thanks for the reup.
No GooGoo911. Downloading now.

Thanks WTB
re-upped to mediafire mirror without password:

If I remember correctly. this system involves buying jewerly on auction from and then reselling it on Amazon. To me it is a gian time suck as you must be watching and bidding on auctions constantly. Plus you need to know what you are buying because as you know not all jewerly sells well. Additionally, if i remember correctly you must have prior approval to sell jewerly on amazon.

Bottom line:
If you have a few hundred dollars and lots of spare time so that you can chase auctions, buy the merchandise, wait for it to arrive and then constantly be creating listing for new items as you do not have a stable source of products for repeat sales then you can most likely make a buck or two with this.
However, as in most cases it is not as easy as the creater of this WSo would have you think. Also if I remember correctly this guy was going to setup some sort of wholesale buying exchange which I do not think ever happened.
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