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Hi Everyone,

Would you please help me answering these questions by already experienced people

* What's your opinion about below Training Courses, it is really useful and can implement what is in it? What your general review?

- Tai Lopez - Social Media Marketing Agency
- Quenten Chad and Jovan Stojanovic – 30 Day SMMA
- Dan Henry - 30 Day Agency
- Iman Gadzhi - Six Figure SMMA
- Joe Soto - Marketing Agency Academy
- Joe Soto - Local Marketing Academy
- Jeremy Haynes - DMM - Digital Marketing Manuscript
- Mike Arce - Build and Scale Your Agency
- James Bonadies - Local marketing Vault
- Ben Adkins - Closer Cafe
- and so on...

* Is it easy to get clients?

* How much money can be made monthly selling these Marketing Services (average)?

* Is it Easy to get clients internationally, or should concentrate on my country or local city?

* Can one person have business with clients and outsource work through freelancers in Upwork and Fiverr or by having a team internationally?

* I have many other questions but I will appreciate if someone can give some little chat.

Thanks for your help
Dunno about the others, but check out this video about Tai

Disclaimer: I'm neither associated with him or his detractors. This was merely something which I came across a while ago...

1. Some courses are good. They usually teach the same thing but in different words or ways.

2. These courses just teach how to sell. They don't teach how to run ads. So the best way is to choose a niche, see what people are doing in that industry, how they run ads etc. See what works for them.

3. It's never easy to get clients. Clients don't buy services, they buy you. So you need to know and believe what you are selling them.

4. You can easily make $1000 per client per month with these services.

5. If you live in a 1st world country you would probably own an apartment within a year. For other countries, forget it you are better off selling peanuts.

6. Yes but learn the skill and partner up with an agency who can do the selling part.

Keep em coming. I can answer them.
Anyone have this one? Quenten Chad and Jovan Stojanovic – 30 Day SMMA. I would like to look into it.
(02-02-2019 06:15 AM)BablooDabloo Wrote: [ -> ]1. Some courses are good. They usually teach the same thing but in different words or ways.

2. These courses just teach how to sell. They don't teach how to run ads. So the best way is to choose a niche, see what people are doing in that industry, how they run ads etc. See what works for them.

3. It's never easy to get clients. Clients don't buy services, they buy you. So you need to know and believe what you are selling them.

4. You can easily make $1000 per client per month with these services.

5. If you live in a 1st world country you would probably own an apartment within a year. For other countries, forget it you are better off selling peanuts.

6. Yes but learn the skill and partner up with an agency who can do the selling part.

Keep em coming. I can answer them.

Thanks very much for your answers,

I have some other questions

- I live in 3rd world country, I don't have an agency or office, work from home. Can I get clients from 1st world country and sell them these services, will it be possible to sell them these services,

- What is working online, what services or products to sell, what thing you make money with, around $1000 or even 500 monthly.

(02-01-2019 06:45 PM)feefiefohfum Wrote: [ -> ]Dunno about the others, but check out this video about Tai

Disclaimer: I'm neither associated with him or his detractors. This was merely something which I came across a while ago...


(02-03-2019 12:01 AM)elninnyo Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone have this one? Quenten Chad and Jovan Stojanovic – 30 Day SMMA. I would like to look into it.

I need this course, it seems a great one
It seems something wrong with my inputs
I like Ben Adkins stuff. Seem like very actionnable way to do things. In fact I am in the process of starting out my agency following what he teach. Also if you need to learn how to sell... I really like what Grant Cordone is doing. And to get good at consulting .. Sam Ovens seem to be legit. Good luck!
Joe Soto is the Better
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