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Chicken Soup for the Soul of America: Stories to Heal the Heart of Our Nation

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Most American heroes aren't in our history books, nor do they have monuments erected in their honor. Their names aren't in the headline news or memorialized in song. The true hero is simply someone who makes a difference-large or small-in the lives of others.
Quote:I picked a great one as the first "Chicken Soup" book to read from start to finish. I read the majority of this uplifting book as a metro train commuter to and from my duty station, the Pentagon. Having known three of the victims of the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon, I had personal reasons to read this book. I found the many short, direct, and moving stories from common people, and their sharing of their deepest emotions, very comforting. I consider this book to be another step in my continuing personal program of coping and healing. I believe many others would also find reading it a great spiritual and emotional experience.

The only flaw with this outstanding book is that it is almost exclusively devoted to or focused on the World Trade Center heroes, victims, survivors, and volunteers. The book has very few stories about what happened at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. I commend the authors for their tremendous job in compiling these great stories from the thousands received and for publishing such an important book in such a short time to help so many. Tragedy and devastation were equally shared by friends, family, and acquaintances in New York, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania. I believe this book should have included a few more Pentagon and Pennsylvania specific stories since the book's cover proclaims, "Stories to Heal the Heart of Our Nation."




Thanks Nancy
Very Inspiring content
reps and respect
Thanks Nancy!!!!
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