03-05-2011, 02:47 PM
[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD] Link Exchange Bot and Youtube Viewer
The more people who use this bot, the better, so feel free to spread this around. This bot basically acts like it's own traffic exchange to get views to your [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD] links to make you money!
Type in the url (works with [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD], although you can use others.)
Press Start
Wait and see your views increase.
Currently this works and has been tested with:
[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]
This will not work with:
a d f .l y links were NOT allowed here!!!
Be sure to format your links like
Httpwebrequests for communicating
Webbrowser for others links
Fully minimizable and able to leave 24/7
1:1 scale (one view equals one view)
More info:
The urls will be viewed in a random order.
Displays number of active urls
Displays your credits
Hide to tray function.
Blocks new windows/pop-ups
No internet explorer script errors.
Like I said above please spread this around, because the more people using it the more $$$ for everyone.
This is not my bot. I'm sharing it per the creator's request.
You can run this on two or more computers at the same time if the ips are different.
**Note: I am running 2 instances of this on the same computer (entering different links in each one) and it is working fine.
If it says "visiting fail":
Do not be alarmed, it just means
that it has viewed all the sites, if
a new one is added it will
automatically visit the next one!
Please Pass this on!!
VirusTotal.com report - Clean
The more people who use this bot, the better, so feel free to spread this around. This bot basically acts like it's own traffic exchange to get views to your [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD] links to make you money!
Type in the url (works with [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD], although you can use others.)
Press Start
Wait and see your views increase.
Currently this works and has been tested with:
[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]
This will not work with:
a d f .l y links were NOT allowed here!!!
Be sure to format your links like
Httpwebrequests for communicating
Webbrowser for others links
Fully minimizable and able to leave 24/7
1:1 scale (one view equals one view)
More info:
The urls will be viewed in a random order.
Displays number of active urls
Displays your credits
Hide to tray function.
Blocks new windows/pop-ups
No internet explorer script errors.
Like I said above please spread this around, because the more people using it the more $$$ for everyone.
This is not my bot. I'm sharing it per the creator's request.
You can run this on two or more computers at the same time if the ips are different.
**Note: I am running 2 instances of this on the same computer (entering different links in each one) and it is working fine.
If it says "visiting fail":
Do not be alarmed, it just means
that it has viewed all the sites, if
a new one is added it will
automatically visit the next one!
Please Pass this on!!
VirusTotal.com report - Clean