Master and learn the basics of Dart Programming language.
Enjoy it!
Sorry coz is duplicate thread after SteB81 post it.
But before I post this thread, there is no search title.

Never mind, thanks to SteB81 for his contribution in this forum...
My bad. This is the original thread, but it was not present in the section when I shared mine.
leejiacheng1, no need to apologies. I made a mistake. This is the original thread. Thanks leejiacheng1 for the share :)
OK, Vanilla Bean already bumped the original thread. Thank you!
Dear SteB81,
Sorry for that coz before I post it and found no similar threads and so just want to share this to all of you. Then later few minutes, your thread just shown. Apologized. BTW, appreciated your contributions on this forum.
Well done!
Jia Cheng
I watched the first few videos in the course. It is less than enjoyable and almost feels like torture. Perhaps one day Udemy will improve quality control.
I watched the first few videos in the course. It is less than enjoyable and almost feels like torture. Perhaps one day Udemy will improve quality control.
still working, the coupon
Thanks, leejiacheng1