I did a search on this and found there was a previous thread for this that's been closed but the link on that page is only for the VIP section so it's not good for everyone. Therefore I'm posting the request here again for Cluster Madness Blueprint if anyone can share it!
Just found out this link died. So this is a new one.
Didn't see it had already been shared on the VIP, so ended up buying it along with (and mainly because of) Bart Hennin's bonus, so am including that here for you all to enjoy.
Thank you very, very much Maggie Jo!
12days says and reps!
(01-13-2019 09:14 AM)Maggie Jo Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't see it had already been shared on the VIP, so ended up buying it along with (and mainly because of) Bart Hennin's bonus, so am including that here for you all to enjoy.