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Full Version: [GET] The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose
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The inspirational and life-changing New York Times bestseller that will help you discover the meaning behind your life.

Can a simple test change a person’s life? Through their New York Times bestseller The Passion Test, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have inspired thousands to shape their lives by discovering their passions and living according to what matters most to them. Readers can identify their top five passions by taking the Test, and then learn exactly how to align their lives with their priorities by following the Attwoods’ easy-to-follow step-by-step program of action.

Combining powerful storytelling and profound wisdom from models of passionate living such as Jack Canfield, Richard Paul Evans, and Stephen M.R. Covey, as well as drawing on their own personal experiences, the Attwoods show how living a full and impassioned life is not only possible, it’s inevitable— for anyone willing to take the Test.




Thank you Nancy, Repped :)
Talk about good timing! I was just starting to read another book on finding my life's purpose.
I think I'll just take this test first!
Max reps!
Thanks PQ
thank youuu
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