This is an old product dating back to I think 2009 it mentions using the directory of ezines. But, if you take the method and apply it to Facebook groups, and other niche audiences this may help you build a super targeted list and practically any niche market.
Grab it here:
Hyper Responsive List Building
Thanks and reps Frank.. I need to step up (um, actually start) my emailing game. I'll take a look.
Basically the idea is ask a question to the author of ten ezines. For the ones that respond, create a 10 page report with their answer to your question and other tips from their ezine *praising the ezine author* and including direct links to their products. Email them back and tell them you are going to sell this report, but you will allow them to offer it to their list free. The trick is their audience has to opt-in at your squeeze page to get the report, so you build your list off the ezine's list.
(01-05-2019 05:15 AM)mnnb Wrote: [ -> ]Basically the idea is ask a question to the author of ten ezines. For the ones that respond, create a 10 page report with their answer to your question and other tips from their ezine *praising the ezine author* and including direct links to their products. Email them back and tell them you are going to sell this report, but you will allow them to offer it to their list free. The trick is their audience has to opt-in at your squeeze page to get the report, so you build your list off the ezine's list.
d***, you should read it now, its sth very very useful

milan1frank and GetStuffDone