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Full Version: Hello from Reported for PM SPAM + selling via pm, do it again and i ban your account permanently - Omni Potens
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YES - I had a thread offering free licences - no strings, nothing for sale, just I thought it would be nice to use unlimited licence reseller accounts I bought to give BBHF members free accounts.

I didn't know I could not do this if someone else was selling the same items using a BSO. So the thread was taken down.

I asked people to Skype me -: Reported for PM SPAM + selling via pm, do it again and i ban your account permanently - Omni Potens

or PM

(01-27-2019 05:34 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Reported for PM SPAM + selling via pm, do it again and i ban your account permanently - Omni Potens.
I seem to recall that you had posted someplace here to PM you if interested in any of the stuff you could share licenses for and IIRC, sent a PM asking to be counted in, but didn't hear back from you - is this the same stuff you mentioned above ??
Well, I am grateful that you did share Reported for PM SPAM + selling via pm, do it again and i ban your account permanently - Omni Potens.
I certainly didn't see any BSO for what I got from you, and I am on here several times a day most days.
I appreciate it.
I just started a Skype conversation with you. I have some things that might help...
do not do other crap jobs here in bbhf! you understand the next shit, you are removed from this forum! I mean the recently deleted post, not the story of the disabled child here!
Adpow doesn't work! No response from their Facebook page. It seems that they have abandoned it.
This is why it is best to get a trial before purchasing these things and why it is stupid to rush straight into a group buy.
So glad I got a free go at this.
(02-01-2019 10:56 PM)solar33 Wrote: [ -> ]Adpow doesn't work! No response from their Facebook page. It seems that they have abandoned it.
This is why it is best to get a trial before purchasing these things and why it is stupid to rush straight into a group buy.
So glad I got a free go at this.

Adpow is working now - just noticed your post..
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