Fiverr recently started taking skill tests like upwork but they are really hard to pass and you can't even navigate away from the test otherwise it closes/cancels the test. Since they play a role in gig rankings nowadays, I was wondering if anyone has passed them or can provide reading materials for passing tests? Maybe we can start a group and collaborate?

interesting thing about Fiverr making those Test,
thank for bringing this up,
I am just about to star some of them.
And about making a Group and start collaborating between ourselves, I´M IN!
One thing Ivé noticed is that it seems to me that the Test Contents / Test Syllabus
of both (Fiverr and Upwork) are almost IDENTICAL.
So my guess is that Fiverr just COPIED all their test from Upwork ;)
I´ve recently make the "internet Marketing test" and got 92%
under 20 minutes
piece of cake!
I took the English test, got 7.8 over 10, lol.
do you have the answers? Fiverr doesn't allow minimizing the window like upwork to cheat. Do you guys have any solution?
Install sharex and use print screen button to instantly save a screenshot.
(02-01-2019 01:37 AM)BablooDabloo Wrote: [ -> ]do you have the answers? Fiverr doesn't allow minimizing the window like upwork to cheat. Do you guys have any solution?
The tests are quite basic in nature - elementary type of questions. One can't copy the questions out except trying out the method suggested by Vibhanshu above.