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Full Version: [GET] FIND PLR STUFF (Or Anything You Want) IN An OPEN DIRECTORY
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[Image: 2018-12-09_1555.png]

[Image: 2018-12-09_1554.png]

If you've got some time on your hand and want to have a bit of fun, here's a little assignment you can do to find lots of interesting "stuff" in open directories.

Yeah, I know --- I've written posts about it before. But it's nice to jog people's memories because you could be doing this whenever you want to and collect a nice supply of quality digital downloads over time.

In this share, I focus on private label rights products but you could just as easily search for whatever else you may want.

My two favorite open directories are filepursuit and filechef; exactly in that order. So, let's use Filepursuit for this example...

STEP 1: Dial up Filepursuit (

STEP 2: In the Search area, type in a keyword of your choice --- or just type PLR.

STEP 3: Click on the little looking glass icon to execute the search.

Here's an example of something I selected from among the list of links that came back:

[Image: 2018-12-09_1550.png]

The site gives you a lot of information about the file(s) you will consider downloading. Information such as the size, the source (referrer), type (zip) when it was uploaded, etc.

In my case example, notice that this was uploaded a year ago. Generally, this won't matter for PLR stuff ... unless the topic is something that must be updated. So be mindful of what you're downloading and if the topic is something that is affected by the lapse of time, be sure you are downloading a recently uploaded file.

STEP 4: Click directly on the blue download link (ending in .zip) to download a file or your choice or click the large green and white Direct Link for a file in the middle of any download page.

STEP 5: PASSWORD: Some of these sites are Persian download sites and require a password to open the files. You can find the different passwords for each site in a little guide I put together here:

Magic Button :

Keep the passwords handy so you will be able to open and use the files you download. Not all of these download sites require a password but some do.

LAYNA'S NOTE: Just one caveat! Be sure to run a virus check on whatever you download --- either scan with Virus ( or locally (on your computer using your natively installed anti-virus program). Also, please keep your anti-virus running in real-time as you use these sites. That way, if a nefarious file should start to download, a good A-V program (like Malwarebytes) will intercept it and help save your computer from harm.

Some of these files on these open directories are harmless but you could find some bad apples (infected ones) in the mix. Don't chance your computer's health to something that can render it unusable.

That's it for this mini-tutorial. I hope you will find value in it.

VIRUS TOTAL: None ... because I'm not sharing any download links. I'm simply showingyou you how to search for stuff on open directory.

If you're seeing this post anywhere except or
being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who

for reading!
Thanks layna61524 This come handy ...
Glad I could help.

Thanks for this reminder! Long time no visit on both sites. :D
Thanks for this! You do so much for this community!!!

max reps added
You're all welcome and thanks for the kind comments.

Enjoy the share!

Great Share +5 Rep!
Thank you Sis! Max Reps for u!
very handy, many thanks and reps Layna61524
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