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Full Version: [GET] Amberlight 2.1 - $199
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Amberlight 2.1 Win

Have fun and unleash your creativity!
An amazing piece of digital art software!

[Image: Amberlight_4.jpg]

Sales Page:




Amberlight is a unique art tool that creates beautiful computer generated images and animations.

Millions of particles are flying through your canvas and you can drive them with special fields.

Flawless animations

Add an animated magic to your digital content, enjoy new innovative features and let your creativity flow.

Amberlight renderer

* Fast procedural Amberlight renderer
* Fractal genre with more control
* Beautiful predefined gradients
* Render to image or animation
* Special modifiers - variations and waves
* Unlimited Undo and Redo


* JPG, BMP, TIF or PNG files with alpha channel
* AVI, MOV, MKV and WEBM video
* H.264, H.265, huffYUV, VP8 codecs
* Support for 4K compressed or lossless video
* Drag and Drop image from folder or web

thank you bro. REPs given
Awsome!! Thanks for sharing.
thanks for uploaded
Thank you for the info much appreciated. REPs
Nice share, max reps sent
Thanks Perfect 10
high bumpp
Wow nice, thanks!
Perfect 10 Happydance
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