12-05-2018, 10:59 AM
A New Beginning I: Handbook for Joyous Survival
![[Image: 51YBPTHTFHL._SX308_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51YBPTHTFHL._SX308_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
This extraordinary book is powerfully offered by a group of teachers who call themselves Abraham. They express clearly and simply the laws of the universe, explaining in detail how we can deliberately flow with these laws for the joyful creation of whatever we desire. Abraham describes this as the time of awakening, explaining that each of us chose, with very deliberate intent, this specific time of great change to participate in this physical experience. This is an empowering, life-changing book that will assist you in seeing your personal life experience as you have never seen it before.
The breakthrough book that started a worldwide interest in Abraham-Hicks. A New Beginning I explains in simple terms the eye-opening fundamentals of living a life of health, wealth and happiness. Readers love the practical ideas of Abraham. In the tradition of Jane Robert's Seth Material, this refreshing new book reveals a unique blend of new-age thought with the Western desire for more. An inspiring self-help classic that gets results.
A New Beginning II : A Personal Handbook to Enhance Your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
![[Image: 41ExdDJXQaL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41ExdDJXQaL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
This is an uplifting book that strikes a chord with the very core of your being. Written by Abraham-Hicks to assist you in understanding the absolute connection between your physical self and your inner self, Abraham puts this physical life experience into perspective as they explain and define who we really are and why we have come forth as physical beings. This book is filled with processes and examples to assist you in making a deliberate conscious connection with your own Inner Being, that you might find the awesome satisfaction with this physical life experience that can only come once this connection is made.
A New Beginning II contains uplifting new material from Abraham including Law of Attraction, Law of Allowing, and the effective use of your Guidance System. Includes questions and answers from live workshops, affirmations, and powerful processes for increasing your ability to intentionally create whatever you want.
Like the book before it, A NEW BEGINNING II is clear, practical, inspiring and empowering with more focus on how to realign with your Inner Being. The bottom line for Abraham-Hicks is to choose to feel good in every moment. From that base of joy you will naturally and easily create what you want for yourself and the world.
DL Epub and PDF: https://www.solidfiles.com/v/zGGeLPK7RLPVm
![[Image: 51YBPTHTFHL._SX308_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51YBPTHTFHL._SX308_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
This extraordinary book is powerfully offered by a group of teachers who call themselves Abraham. They express clearly and simply the laws of the universe, explaining in detail how we can deliberately flow with these laws for the joyful creation of whatever we desire. Abraham describes this as the time of awakening, explaining that each of us chose, with very deliberate intent, this specific time of great change to participate in this physical experience. This is an empowering, life-changing book that will assist you in seeing your personal life experience as you have never seen it before.
The breakthrough book that started a worldwide interest in Abraham-Hicks. A New Beginning I explains in simple terms the eye-opening fundamentals of living a life of health, wealth and happiness. Readers love the practical ideas of Abraham. In the tradition of Jane Robert's Seth Material, this refreshing new book reveals a unique blend of new-age thought with the Western desire for more. An inspiring self-help classic that gets results.
A New Beginning II : A Personal Handbook to Enhance Your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
![[Image: 41ExdDJXQaL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41ExdDJXQaL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
This is an uplifting book that strikes a chord with the very core of your being. Written by Abraham-Hicks to assist you in understanding the absolute connection between your physical self and your inner self, Abraham puts this physical life experience into perspective as they explain and define who we really are and why we have come forth as physical beings. This book is filled with processes and examples to assist you in making a deliberate conscious connection with your own Inner Being, that you might find the awesome satisfaction with this physical life experience that can only come once this connection is made.
A New Beginning II contains uplifting new material from Abraham including Law of Attraction, Law of Allowing, and the effective use of your Guidance System. Includes questions and answers from live workshops, affirmations, and powerful processes for increasing your ability to intentionally create whatever you want.
Like the book before it, A NEW BEGINNING II is clear, practical, inspiring and empowering with more focus on how to realign with your Inner Being. The bottom line for Abraham-Hicks is to choose to feel good in every moment. From that base of joy you will naturally and easily create what you want for yourself and the world.
DL Epub and PDF: https://www.solidfiles.com/v/zGGeLPK7RLPVm