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Why are we so often attracted to people who are so obviously wrong for us? How do we find that one person we are destined to love and be loved by for the rest of our lives? Can the Internet really help? Answers to these and many other questions you may have asked yourself at one time or another are the subject of Douglas Alan Weiss', Life, Love and Internet Dating. Loosely modeled on Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Life, Love and Internet Dating explores truths about human relationships, those we have with ourselves, with others and with that higher being we sometimes refer to as God, through the lens of Internet dating. It is at once a personal journey and a deeply nuanced investigation of life and the conditions of happiness and fulfillment men and women seek as they move though their lives.

reps given for the share, thanks again
Should be an interesting read, thanks for sharing, reps added.
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