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Full Version: #FEAST# Black Friday Sale - UnstoppablePLR
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(11-25-2018 12:24 PM)techsolutions Wrote: [ -> ]thx for share
anyone using plr ? ,whats your strategy ,if you sell at what price point or giveaway
can be good to lead gen ,or even sell low cost to upsell service on backend ,affiliate

You can turn pimpr live to info product using pimpr live...

Can anyone share this??
Thanks for the share
Quote:You can turn pimpr live to info product using pimpr live...

Can anyone share this??

Did you try to search for it? By the way, it's the same product. He just updated his sales page.
It's basically using PLR the way you should be using it to make money. This is an evergreen strategy that works and he doesn't even change the actual content just the product images.

It's what people should be doing but are not because they're sofa king lazy Hitface.

(11-26-2018 01:53 AM)jamalexa Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:You can turn pimpr live to info product using pimpr live...

Can anyone share this??

Did you try to search for it? By the way, it's the same product. He just updated his sales page.

I have searched it...
Its not same..
3 hours to download all the packs and sort them carefully by folder (We're almost at 50 GB when you count the products and bonuses). An eternal bore...
But when we can download free quality products like these, we take advantage of it ;)
Thanks again sIMplified ♕
Tops up my collection - thanks and reps mate
Absolute fantastic share! Thank you so much!!


Excellent share, all in one place. Thanks. Reps given.
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