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America's most renowned Wiccan shares the beliefs and practices of this sacred feminine spirituality in an introductory book.

Welcome to the oldest spiritual tradition in the world.

One of the first Wiccan Priestesses to 'come out of the broom closet,' Phyllis Curott has forever changed the perception of Wicca in the Western world. In this book, Phyllis re-introduces the life-sustaining wisdom and techniques that will connect you to the Divine and to the love, abundance and spiritual wisdom of Mother Earth. You'll learn how to:

* attune your body, mind and spirit to Nature's rhythms to create a life of harmony, peace and fulfillment
* enter spirit realms and work with spirit guides, power animals and spirits of place for guidance and healing
* cast gorgeous spells and create sacred spaces and altars to nourish your soul
* practice empowering lunar and Sabbat rites to experience divine communion
* embody your spirit, empower your purpose and manifest your gifts

This engaging and inspiring book will open your heart, your mind and your spirit to the Sacred around and within you. It's time to awaken your life to its divine magic!

Thanks for this great share. Looking forward to reading it. Reps and thanks given. :)
Thanks for the wicca books
Thank you SS. Repped you
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