11-24-2018, 01:17 AM
11-24-2018, 01:40 AM
This would be nice to add to the collection.

11-24-2018, 04:31 AM
01-11-2019, 12:12 PM
Sadly, no one answered MoneyMaven's question as to whether this was what you seek. The cover is different but the content seems to be all about Magnetic Marketing.
I offered the Magnetic Marketing Deluxe Kit in a share here:
Magic Button :
On that thread, kuzbass90 is asking for the accompanying e-book.
I did a little searching at my usual sources and came up short so, the only thing I can offer is a link to buy the PDF on e-Bay at a deep discount ($4.99) here:
Magic Button :
I hope this helps in case no one is able to find it for you and you still want it badly enough.
UPDATE --- January 15, 2019
I just had some time to check and my mega.nz share contains everything --- including the book requested in the OP REQ thread. It is the entire Magnetic Marketing Kit so it has all the audios, other PDFs, and other files.
So if you want this, get it now.
Also, I welcome mirrors.

for reading!