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Advanced Dictionary of Dreams Dreams are not attempts to conceal your true feelings from the waking mind, but rather they are a window to your unconscious. They serve to guide the waking self to achieve wholeness and offer a solution to a problem you are facing in your waking life. It is important to retell your dream in the present tense and act it out accordingly. It is important to verbalize how each and every component in your dream felt, even inanimate objects. Re-enact the dream and take on the role of the different characters and objects. Start a dialogue with the dream object and express how you felt toward each other.

By taking on a different role within your dream and re-enact it, you may then be able to acknowledge and realize feelings that you may have overlooked or buried. Your dream literally comes alive. Dreams reveal things about one’s self and not hide them. They are an open pathway toward your true thoughts, emotions and actions. In your dreams, you clearly see your aggressive impulses and desires. Dreams are also a way of overcompensating for the shortcomings in your waking life. For example, if you are unable to stand up to your boss in your waking life, then you may find it easier to lash out at the boss within the comfort and safety of your dream. Dreams offer some sort of satisfaction that is more socially acceptable.


Thanks for the dream share, looks interesting.
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