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It’s always great to know the exact ingredients of what you’re feeding to your little human. Their food and juices can be packed with so much chemicals and genetically modified foods that you don’t know about, plus not to mention how expensive they can be. Making your baby’s food at home can be beneficial in so many ways; you’ll have control over what you’re feeding your baby and you will be able to pick up on any allergies your baby has or the foods they love.

Yes, making baby food at home will take some research, a little prep cooking and some time out of your day (not a lot) but, it’s your bundle of joy – it’s worth it. This book will help you to navigate that transitionary period when your baby is coming off formula / milk and needs to be introduced to solid food. This book is packed with recipes for babies from 4 – 12 months but you can always put on your creative hat and try out some combos of your own!

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