01-31-2012, 02:30 PM
Note this script is not mine , i am merely distributing it because of the lack of distribution. :smile:
Product Information
This is the latest release of one of the best selling scripts at ScriptOwl!
Rapid Search Script 2.2 has many new features and a brand new template!
Now searches: RapidShare, MegaUpload, MegaShares, Badongo, FileFront, SaveFile
An admin panel has been added to this script for ease of customization!
This script is now using the new client control panel where clients can manage there script domain licenses. This script comes with unlimited licenses.
*Chose between cURL and FileGetContents!
* Millions of downloads!
* Great traffic potential!
* Free updates! - For life!
* Simple install, just upload and your ready to go!
* Great google indexing with mod_rewrite .html pages!
* Easy to customize, Source is commented!
* Displays file type icons!
* Bad word history filtering!
* Displays latest searches and shows server stats including number of searches, downloads and page views!
* Download page now has a delay before redirection with your advertisements displayed!
Download has many mirrors , so you should be able to download this for a long time!