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Here is the new version of Explaindio, let's hope someone makes it work since it connects to the cloud and all the template packages are created from there, nothing is inside the installation root, nor can the templates be imported, they clearly do not want that break this.

I do not know if it is possible to break and have access to all the material available inside, if so it would be something waoooo.

the password you already know, add rep if it was your help.

[Image: ecover.png]!YlFiFYqK

not working, it's require license key.
waiting for cracked version
Would be cool if this was crackable, but I highly doubt it!
I'm still using the previous versions and still works great.

REPS to you OP for your efforts!

Thanks for the share. Reps added. Let's see if anyone of our intrepid crackers is able to crack the system to make it work in offline mode. I have literally 100's of template sets to import both from previous versions and those extra's already bought so hopefully it will take them too.
I am dumb tonight... the decryption key is not working.

Thread link forwarded to Scorpio bro.
(11-14-2018 09:59 PM)ShortCircuit Wrote: [ -> ]I am dumb tonight... the decryption key is not working.

Thread link forwarded to Scorpio bro.

SC, just take out the http part, i.e. !KqU6-cc_bpdsW7_1EXfd2t3HhMFDPonxRW6NOr-8s44 and it will open fine and download. :)
I've downloaded it and will take a look, but Scorpio is probably our best bet.
not working, it's require license key.
I've passed the details to scorpio yesterday.
@Tinamou thanks
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