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(11-16-2018 02:05 AM)batmax Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-15-2018 06:52 PM)tisna Wrote: [ -> ]here how to null avata v5.6.2
Navigate to Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-envato-api.php
Find and comment out these two lines:

// Check the response code.
//$response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
//$response_message = wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response );

Navigate to Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-product-registration.php

set_site_transient( 'fusion_envato_api_down', true, 600 );

Change 600 to 0

Find: Has user associated with current token purchased this product?
Change This:

# Set "return false;" to "true":
public function is_registered() {

// Is the product registered?
if ( isset( $this->registered[ $this->product_id ] ) and& true === $this->registered[ $this->product_id ] ) {
return true;
// Is the Envato API down?
if ( get_site_transient( 'fusion_envato_api_down' ) ) {
return true;
// Fallback to false.
return false;


To THis:

public function is_registered() {

// Is the product registered?
if ( isset( $this->registered[ $this->product_id ] ) and& true === $this->registered[ $this->product_id ] ) {
return true;
// Is the Envato API down?
if ( get_site_transient( 'fusion_envato_api_down' ) ) {
return true;
// Fallback to false.
return true;


I can't find this in the files 5.7.2. Using find in notepad++. Which line i can find them? Thank you.

Find manually, you cannot find with notepad++

FILE: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-product-registration.php >> Line 259
FILE: Avada/includes/lib/inc/class-fusion-envato-api.php >> Line 115 + 116
Version 6.0.1 - August 7th, 2019 • Download
Thank you!!!!
Version 6.0.2 - August 15th, 2019
Please Upload...
Nice share
Any ho can mirror to not zippyshare its lock here in EU

where can we get the working fusion builder and fusion core plugins?
the old version seems not to work with this version
Thanks for the download, but getting an error with the file v6.0.2 (tried downloading a few times, same result). Unzipping with 7-zip and it states can't open the file as archive. Ideas? Possible reupload?
Can someone upload Version 6.1 ?
Thanks in advance.
(12-14-2019 02:25 AM)Kal-L Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone upload Version 6.1 ?
Thanks in advance.

Here you are (full package from TF)
(12-17-2019 05:50 AM)urlicics Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-14-2019 02:25 AM)Kal-L Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone upload Version 6.1 ?
Thanks in advance.

Here you are (full package from TF)

Thank you! Rep +
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