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Full Version: [GET] The Dumb Little Cash Makers System
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MAX REPS added!

In a nutshell... it's a 15-page PDF document.

This 'Dumb System' consists of 2 dumb steps:

1. find a hot product on

2. list and sell that product on FB Marketplace

Easy money?

I don't think so.

Just my 2 cents
Thanks for taking the time to share, mario. Thanks for the review, nitro... both my time and hard drive thank you.
@mario365 Thanks for the share
+5 Reps to Mario365 for this awesome share
Yes 'dumb' is the active word here. Its basically retail arbitrage w/o the difficult half
of stalking clearance sections at your local Costco.

And of course theres always being offered less than the asking price on the spot, gas
milage, time and of course (round here) the oft chance of being robbed....

- Thanks for the share
Happydance Happydance Happydance
that's why you're my n*gga
[Image: will-smith-meme-17-thats-why-you-re-my-nigga.jpg]
(11-11-2018 11:35 AM)mario365 Wrote: [ -> ]SP:


Enjoy Happydance
Thank You - Much Appreciated
Thanks Marie365.

+5 Reps.



(11-11-2018 11:35 AM)mario365 Wrote: [ -> ]Direct:

Enjoy Happydance
Thanks....was a quick, interesting read. Repped!

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