Thanks for the share man. +Reps.
Fascinating !!
for sharing this Jeffrey123.
You really do share an amazing amount of things very freely here.
This is actually '
Shopify Secrets' - at least that is what came from the link provided.
It has 4 PDFs with that in their titles and 1 DOC file called '
Fast Cash Club' with just about nothing in it.
Most peculiar, yes ??
Looking at the SP, it shows this:
Quote:Become a Fast Cash Member Today Only $37
Wow. Very glad to have this to look at from here instead !!!
(11-06-2018 04:38 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Fascinating !!
for sharing this Jeffrey123.
You really do share an amazing amount of things very freely here.
This is actually 'Shopify Secrets' - at least that is what came from the link provided.
It has 4 PDFs with that in their titles and 1 DOC file called 'Fast Cash Club' with just about nothing in it.
Most peculiar, yes ??
Looking at the SP, it shows this:
Quote:Become a Fast Cash Member Today Only $37
Wow. Very glad to have this to look at from here instead !!!
Reviews are MUCHO appreciado!!! thank you and here... 5 cookies for you!
Thanks for sharing this Jeffrey123. You are the Master here in sharing those invaluable content freely.
Max reps added man. Respect!
But there are only pdfs with articles just theorical we can find everywhere. No example, nothing just theory.
Can someone share the member area?
Thanks so much.
I went searching and found just scams there. NOT GOOD.