Here is some more great stuff from Uncle Bob, one of the top REAL Business Multi Millionaires.
His stuff is so great!
Wow, 100 clicks and no thanks? What's up with that?
Thanks for the quality contribution.
I'll send you some reps as well.
Bob Serling stuff is gold thank you. Max reps given..

Thanks Milo76... REPS added!
Got this from elsewhere, but added some rep anyway.
I'd agree that Bob's courses are probably the best JV courses out there, however, that's not really saying much. Most JV courses suck...!
And he does waffle on a bit :-)
One of the ways I've used to find list side clients is to collect all the advertising in your area. Go to their website and see if they're collecting emails. If so, sign up. You'll get an idea of what they're doing via email marketing and in most cases you can improve it dramatically.
Another option is to monitor Groupon. Anyone advertising on Groupon is already giving away a lot money to Groupon, so you can make them a better offer...
I also offer packaged deals, usually with one or more bonuses, rather than discount offers. This raises the transaction amount and therefore makes you more money. Also makes the offer unique, so people can't jump on Google and easily price match.
We also do pre-sell campaigns before the actual offer, which puts people in buying mode and looking forward to the actual offer. Result is way more than 25c per list member.
I'm really gonna have to make my own course...
@Milo76 Thanks for the share. Reps given.
Thanks a lot for the share.
(11-07-2018 01:04 PM)Wonder Womanz Wrote: [ -> ]@ ya talking! I've been waiting for you to start your own course for atleast 2 years now :) A pre-launch?...Heck... I'd get your course during a pre-launch to the pre-launch.
You've always added your valuable 2 cents to the JV courses shares here and for that....thanks!
Thank for those kind words :-)
Not done too well with the courses. Supposed to create some this year, but it's already Nov and I'm still away off finishing one. Life is quite full at the moment...
While I'm here, I'll tell you of another free tool, better than It's
referenceUSA, which is accessible, for free, through libraries and universities in the US (and I think Canada), Better than Manta because you can select on sales and niche. Takes seconds to get a list of prospects using Bob's criteria. e.g. selecting verified, Raleigh,NC, $2 million to $15 million gives 3600 possibilities in Raleigh alone. Enough to keep one busy for a while... :-)
You need a library card to access it, but you don't need to go to the library - I access from here in UK.
Wish we had such a resource here in UK.