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Happy Birthday, looking for Decription key
thank you....decryption key please
@zanderman Happy Birthday! May God continue to shower you with so many blessings for you truly deserve to be happy.
Happy birthday
It requires a decryption key ..
Rep you for your birthday
(11-01-2018 08:44 AM)zanderman Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys. As requested here:
Here you go. Please make mirrors! Now I haven't checked it out yet. This is the plugin and the tutorials. All I did was download and upload them. I HAVEN'T done anything with them.
I know it's been awhile since I've given anything, but I took a break from the leachers, (I started getting a lot of PM's wanting stuff.) but it's my birthday and I'm feeling generous.
Yes please share the decryption key.. thanks reps added
zanderman, a very Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have many more. Like the others have asked, would you please provide the decryption key. Many thanks in advance.
P.S. Max reps given!
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