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I have absolutely NO IDEA where this AMAZING DOCUMENT came from- I couldn't tell you how I got it, who gave it to me, whether I had to trade some crazy scary "FAVOR" to "SOMEBODY" to obtain it (although I do recall feeling a "little" violated about 5 years ago after a few beers and something that had to do with a vacuum cleaner and somebody named "Boris"...)

In any case, I ripped through these 5 pages of absolute Mike Dillard "GOLD" and I knew I had to get it up here and share with ALL of my BBHF friends IMMEDIATELTY-----

There is more PURE, UNADULTERATED WISDOM in these 5 pages then you'd find in any 4 year, ahem, "college university" when it comes to true, actionable, LET'S PUT MONEY IN YOUR POCKET "TONIGHT!" MONEY-MAKING GOODNESS---

Having ANY PROBLEMS with tweaking your mindset into the PERFECT STATE tonight? STRUGGLING with ANY aspect of your MOTIVATION... DRIVE..."FIRE IN YOUR BELLY" to MAKE THE ABSOLUTE MOST of EVERY ACTION you NEED TO TAKE to ACHIEVE FINANCIAL FREEDOM TONIGHT?? ( You DO REALIZE that EVERY ACTION you take, TONIGHT INCLUDED, is GOING TO IMPACT your FINANCIAL FREEDOM 20 years from now?) In other words, if you're PROCRASTINATING "TONIGHT"... Then there is a 97% chance you WILL PROCRASTINATE "TOMORROW"...AND the NEXT NIGHT, and the NEXT, and the NEXT...

OK- Here are just a few SNIPPETS of the PURE, PRISTINE, UNALLOYED "GLEAMING WISDOM" from Master Marketer MIKE DILLARD...

"Well, I'm sitting here about 11:00 PM watching "Walk The Line" for the fourth or fifth time, and every time I do, it still inspires me.
Why? Because it's about a man who followed his dream though hell and high water. He was willing to do whatever it took, and even managed to do so while battling the personal demons that haunted
him and the conflicts he struggled with at home. I want you to understand something about me, and from this day forward, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and decided want it is that you REALLY want out of life because you've got to make a choice... You either do what you need to, or you don't...

There is not middle ground... No "have your cake and eat it too".

I'm not intelligent by society's standard...But I was smart enough to know a few things that most people don't...

I knew enough to know, that there is no "we'll do it for you" solution to anything in life, let alone home businesses which usually prey upon those with that mentality. I knew enough to know, that I needed to learn more if I was to get what I wanted, which is why I spent most of my college years not in class, but at Barnes and Noble reading "real" books on business..."

Enjoy and prosper!
Can you share the link? Thanks
Hi Theo1.
Very enticing intro !!
(Methinks you've forgotten to include a link ??)
IS this trick or treat post for Halloween?
Hitface Mad Slap

Sorry guys, looks like I did an accidental "Trick or Trout!" (Where I grew up, FISH were very important components of our existence, so extra generous families would give whole 8o pound tunas or trouts to us as kids on Halloween....)

Ok sorry here's the link!

"Trick or Trout!" - Priceless !!!
Thanks Theo1 - you always share great stuff.
(10-30-2018 01:31 PM)Theo1 Wrote: [ -> ]Whoops!

Sorry guys, looks like I did an accidental "Trick or Trout!" (Where I grew up, FISH were very important components of our existence, so extra generous families would give whole 8o pound tunas or trouts to us as kids on Halloween....)

Ok sorry here's the link!



Trout LOL
Wow..this post is inspiring bro!
I'm really appreciated it!
This is the "Post Of The Day!" Happydance
Theo1 keep posting the best stuff. Thanks alot. Please remember to share Glenn Osborn stuff when you see. It
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