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Full Version: Autopilot Income, No Investment - Make $50-$100 daily.
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I have already started generating some sales from jvzoo and warriorplus but one thing is that the country I am, paypal doesn't allow us to recieve payment.

I want to promote jvzoo and warriorplus products and am looking to make a joint venture with someone that will recieve the payments for me. in short here is what i am looking for;

I am looking for a JV Partner who will:

- Take all the payment for my affiliate sales via their PayPal (from jvzoo and warriorplus)

- Pay me to my or (using your PayPal) after deducting your percentage (Offering 30% to you as you will do NOTHING but to accept the payment and sending 70% to me)

IMPORTANT: I will need you just to take payment of MY Affiliate sales via jvzoo or warriorplus, and sending the Payment to my or or any other method that might be suitable for both you and me. Even if you don't have an account on these freelance sites you can open one, it just take few minutes and it's free.

What I will do:

- I do everything to promote the products I have selected

-I am offering 30% just to recieve the money and sending me my commission. That's your autopilot income. I will continuously develop more and more sales coming to your PayPal account.


I know my ways to market products; you don't need to worry about product marketing. If you're interested PM

I will be looking to start partnering right away.

contact me @ " arthurbarnett.b (at) gmail . com "
pm me your affiliate links to warrior+ and jv zoo. i may be interested. and if i am, i may be willing to come down from the commission you said you would offer depending on what i see. and will also possibly be able to help you with advice on some of the marketing.
I Will Send You An Email Shortly
I Am Very Interested And Cannot Wait To Start
I sent you an email
I'm just curious, if anybody here in the US is doing this, don't you have to pay taxes on the entire income? So if you get a 1099 from the IRS telling you that you have t pay 30% on the sales, doesn't that wipe out the 30% split?

This is a question for your accountant/CPA

I am only sharing what I been told in the past, I now outsource to the proper professional and suggest you do as well.

I am under the impression that if you make below $10,400 and single, not married. You do not need to file.

Keep in mind this includes all of your income, not just that source to your SSN or EIN.

Hope this helps and speak to professional on this matter. It will save you TONs!
he didnt say he want US paypal. is international paypal okay? will the account be banne? why he cant open his own paypal account?
Let me know if you still need the paypal account
I can help you, i have couple of PayPal, and freelancer account and or Payoneer account, thanks.
Zmindos, still looking for a partner?
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