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Full Version: Forgotten Hero - Review Domination
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I am posting this in the hope that Forgotten Hero, Sandy will wake up and provide some level of communication and at least basic content.

Being on Sandy's list I get emails about joining the upcoming Review Domination course with coaching. Straight away I'm interested but I think about the last time I joined one of his courses the content was not ready.

There is another email saying Review Domination is LIVE get early bird access. So I pull the trigger. Sandy didn't respond to my emails after purchase so I had to come here to contact him. Eventually he responds and tells me to sign up to a forum and reply to him so he could grant access.

After more PM's and emails 3 days later I finally get access. I ask Sandy directly why he does not have a process for this and at the very least redirect customers after payment to a page advising that activation is manual and it may take a few days, I would not have a problem with that. Of course I get no response.

Finally I'm in the forum and I cannot find the content, there is none. It's under construction, there is only a notice to introduce yourself.

After more emails, posting in the forum and a PM here asking Sandy to explain or at least provide paying customers with some information on what the content will be and when we will have access, of course I get no response.

This fiasco is not the first time, the same thing happened with his fiverr course but at that time there were at least a few modules to start with.

I mean seriously you would have to have some huge balls to sell customers a course with no content and zero information on when you would get the content, either that or it is just plain arrogance and that fact that communication is almost non existent makes it even worse, especially after sending an email saying it is live, that is just plain deception.

Has anyone ever bought a course before that had no content what so ever, nothing?

Come on Sandy you have taken peoples money, this is not the way to do business or take care of customers. At least be responsive and tell us something.
Still no response from Forgotten Hero or content. I really want to believe he will deliver but my patience is running out. This is highly unethical to release a course as live and then disappear providing absolutely nothing in return.
This all is simple and definite proof that outright theft is now considered to be a legitimate business tactic.
Very sad.
Yes it is outright theft, no other word for it. I can't imagine the thought process behind this. Perhaps he needed money and the course was an after thought, either way it beggar's belief.

Anyway I have escalated this to paypal, take a look at some of the evidence I presented to paypal where you can see that the emails clearly state "live" "early bird access" and worst of all a button which says "get instant access" instant access to what?

Also of you look at the emails for access they were sent out 2 weeks ago, that is over 2 weeks of holding peoples money for nothing.

[Image: Emails.png]

[Image: Instant-Access.png]

I urge you all never to do business with this guy as this is not the first time he has done something like this.

Edit- I have just noticed he has deleted all my comments requesting an update on the forum he provided me access to, so he is around and just chooses not to communicate.

Absolutely terrible, stay clear of this guy.
Why would you fall for his bs, again. I learner from the fiverr crap. I have blocked him.
(10-24-2018 11:45 PM)einwomyn Wrote: [ -> ]Why would you fall for his bs, again. I learner from the fiverr crap. I have blocked him.

Yes I should have learned from the first time however I thought he might learned from that but obviously not.

Anyway he has eventually responded to me and says he had a personal emergency which is why he has been silent the last few days.

Regardless of his personal emergency the following facts still remain;

He has been selling a course since Oct 11 as live with instant access with zero content and we are now Oct 25.

Even with zero content there absolutely no information on when the course will start or what it will entail.

There is zero contact or communication with customers who purchased the course who are just left in the dark.

Once you purchase there is a manual process which you will know nothing about and you will have to chase after him to get access to the product forum, which, contains no content.

This is the type of stuff that really gives IM a bad name.
(10-24-2018 11:45 PM)einwomyn Wrote: [ -> ]Why would you fall for his bs, again. I learner from the fiverr crap. I have blocked him.

Yes I should have learned from the first time however I thought he might learned from that but obviously not.

Anyway he has eventually responded to me and says he had a personal emergency which is why he has been silent the last few days.

Regardless of his personal emergency the following facts still remain;

He has been selling a course since Oct 11 as live with instant access with zero content and we are now Oct 25.

Even with zero content there absolutely no information on when the course will start or what it will entail.

There is zero contact or communication with customers who purchased the course who are just left in the dark.

Once you purchase there is a manual process which you will know nothing about and you will have to chase after him to get access to the product forum, which, contains no content.

This is the type of stuff that really gives IM a bad name.
You bought a course which you do not know what it is about ? If I understand it right, you probably have paid for empty course.
The course is called review domination and allows you to set up a review business, selling reviews which I found intriguing.
I got sold on the fact that he was offering early bird pricing and coaching for those that took the offer now.
After that I didn't know if it was pdf based, video based or the format it would take. However I was expecting at least some basic info on what would happen after payment.
Update. There are people in IM that have some really bad names for putting out some of the worst rehashed courses possible but when a seller takes your money and delivers nothing, that is the worst of the worst.

When he sent his message of apology he agreed to give me a refund and said he did not steal my money as he does not need to and has enough flowing through his paypal.

Days later and I am still waiting on the refund so I launched a paypal claim which I won today. While all this was happening I checked the product out of curiosity and there is one short video a few minutes long that tells you to build a website and another on hosting and domains.

That is all the content since Oct 11th. Forgetting Hero is nothing but a lying cheating thieving scammer and he should be avoided at all costs. If you see any offers from him run.

You have been warned!
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