Thank you, fit2beme. Just follow that link in the MAGIC BUTTON ... it's all there, waiting for you! Download the PDF first but be sure to read all of the useful posts in that entire thread!
(10-29-2018 03:04 AM)layna61524 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you, fit2beme. Just follow that link in the MAGIC BUTTON ... it's all there, waiting for you! Download the PDF first but be sure to read all of the useful posts in that entire thread!
(10-27-2018 04:57 AM)Digital Wiz Wrote: [ -> ]I'll be putting it up over the weekend.
Wiz, we are still waiting on you. Hope all is well?
bump, anyone have this yet? :}
My sincere apology to Digital Wiz for my inaccurate assumption.
Sorry for the rant and unncessary words..
(10-27-2018 04:57 AM)Digital Wiz Wrote: [ -> ]I'll be putting it up over the weekend.
I'm sorry it took so long. I have someone in my family who is very sick.
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