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A huge, hidden consumer market thrives in America: a vast, important market, hungry for virtually all goods and services - yet most of us are totally ignorant of it. It could well be your most lucrative market in the coming decade!

What is this invisible market, and what can it mean for your company? In Multicultural Marketing, author Marlene Rossman describes the $500 billion market represented by America's so-called "minorities" - a group of separate, distinct markets that, taken together, are the most important consumer growth area in the U.S.

Gone Forever are the "Ozzie and Harriet" marketing stereotypes so easily targeted by American companies. Nowadays, savvy marketing executives have learned that the youthful, surprisingly affluent, growing populations of African-Americans, Hispanics, and Asian-Americans have quietly changed the face of the American consumer.

Multicultural Marketing is the first book to show you how to understand these challenging, new, diverse market segments, including defining ethnic market segments and how you can best reach each segment; identifying cultural differences among various groups (and sub-groups) and incorporating them into your marketing programs; tailoring or adapting your product offerings and advertising messages to meet special needs and interests; and avoiding inadvertent or careless mistakes that may offend your customers.

Many U.S. corporate giants have already profited greatly from multicultural marketing, and you can learn from their experiences. The book includes lengthy interviews with top marketing executives from Pepsico (on the African-American market, Avon (on the Hispanic market) and MetLife (on the Asian-American market), and many comments from other marketers on their discoveries in the multicultural arena. In addition, a separate chapter focuses on other overlooked market segments, such as gays and lesbians, the disabled, and Native Americans.

Look around you and you will find mammoth, ready markets to sell to - if you take the time to find out what they want. In Multicultural Marketing, Rossman issues a wake-up call to American business, along with practical strategies for reaching America's "unknown" consumers.




Thank you for the share, rep added. :)
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