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Full Version: [GET] Heartburn No More + OTO
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Thank you StillStanding.

Reps added.

Looking forward to seeing if this method works.

I want to share my experience with Heartburn. I was suffering from heartburn for almost 3-4 years.
I tried everything from Google to youtube to books also allopathy meds, none worked as expected.
at last, I met an ayurvedic doc, I explained him my symptoms he said I have candida and treated me for candida.
If you are suffering from constant heartburn problem then check your symptoms with candida ( you can google or watch some videos on youtube about candida).
one can try this:
- Add probiotics in the diet.
- Do light exercise - Yoga is recommended.
- Cut out raw food, milk products, sugar, red meat. ( 3 months, because the body needs time to heal)
Hope this will be of help. Wish you a healthy life ahead.
Thanks for the great share. Reps
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