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Full Version: What Internet Marketing Software Do You Need?
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Hello, I am a software engineer and would like to know what new software you would like to have to assist you in your internet marketing efforts.

This can be a brand new type of software or maybe something that already exists but because it is too expensive, you would like an alternative.

It might also be that you are happy with some some software that you use but you would like to see more features.

Everyone who specifies their software needs in this thread will receive a review copy of the software that I will develop.

Looking forward to your feedback.
fb data scraper (uid,email,phone)
facebook data scraper (uid, email, phone number) etc...
Replicate Browseo and create your own version for managing personas and other marketing tasks.
Maybe create Browseo like software
Thanks for the feedback, I would like some more suggestions.
If the software that you have in mind is already listed, just add a post indicating that you would like it as well.

Thanks again.
I'd love to see a software or a Chrome extension that would be able to download automatically the subtitles from videos on Youtube or Vimeo or Wistia and then be able to translate directly from software to other languages or another language.
I would love to be able to have a software or a chrome extension that could download automatically subtitles from Youtube, Vimeo or Wistia, and then be able to translate them to another language. :)
Facebook Software. To Group Post and PAges.
Instagram followers bot
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