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You may say it is vegan diet, others will call it plant diet but either ways it is something worth to follow. It has an amazing result.

This plant based cookbook has been made to help people to figure out the benefits of having plants as main ingredient in the nutrition. Learn a lot about this life style and let it improve body condition and prevent some diseases. Find out what are the plant based foods. Teach yourself to make those delicious dishes. You are more than welcome to make up personal plant based diet meal plan including, let’s say, tasty carrot pudding with chia seeds and nuts for a breakfast, gazpacho with red peppers as a main meal along with the wholesome mushroom soup for a dinner or just refresh yourself with the relish grilled eggplant salad. Actually, the plant based diet has variety of options to make for any meal time.

Have fun exploring our plant based diet books and cooking mouth-watering foods. Enjoy your plant based diet plan and be healthy with the strong immunity system.

reps sent for the vegetarian share, thanks SS
I was just thinking the other day,"I wish I had a recipe for carrot pudding with chia seeds".:) Thanks for sharing!
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another re-up request for this one

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