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Full Version: [GET] The $100 Million Swipe File: Eugene Schwartz, Claude Hopkins, Gary Halbert, Robert Collier, John Caples and David Ogilvy
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Time to put up a new link.

It is nice to have new link available for budding copywriters....

We stand on the shoulders of Giants!

I already have this but +reps added to you sir for sharing the only true stuff really worth studying... the old masters.
may thanks and reps to OP and Abe Lincoln Bart for re up
Reup please?
New link:

File Name: The 100 Million Swipe File Schwartz, Hopkins, Halbert, Collier, Caples, Ogilvy.pdf
Size: 52.86 MB
anyone would reup this? thanks added rep
(02-21-2023 02:38 PM)awoken Wrote: [ -> ]anyone would reup this? thanks added rep

Mr/Mrs Makepeace's lin to the dbree still alive friend, hope you get it!
Thank you!
Thanks to Jimmy456 for the original post and Makepeace for the re-upload.
hello, please do a reupload !

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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