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The fully revised new edition of the international bestseller

THE 80 MINUTE MBA is your short-cut to business brilliance. A traditional MBA is for either the time-rich, very wealthy or lucky few with a generous corporate sponsor. So what happens if you want to get a hit of high-quality business inspiration without spending two years back at school?

THE 80 MINUTE MBA is the gateway to fresh thinking, in less time than it takes a standard meeting to get past coffee and donuts. The MBA-in-a-box book is old hat. Managers need the encouragement to think differently, not in the same straight lines.

THE 80 MINUTE MBA is an injection of inspiration, creative thinking and dynamic approaches which will help you see the world of business differently.

Stimulating new material brings this edition right up to date with critical business thinking. Including a new chapter on the platform economy and fresh technology and social media examples this book will energize and inspire you in equal measure.

Heck of share SS, max reps added for you!
thank you StillStanding for the share, i added all the reps i can for you!
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