09-23-2018, 01:19 PM
There are currently 36 Self-made Woman Billionaires in the world. This is a study of how these superwomen made their fortunes? I adopt the 6-W approach. (1) Why do we need to study Self-made billionaires? (2) Where do they come from? Which countries? Are there any immigrants? Are any of them from small towns? (3) Who are they? (4) How did they make their immense wealth? Which sector? (5) What did they study? What educational background do they have? Did they attend elite universities? (4) What kind of spousal support did they receive? What kind of family support did they receive? Do all of them get their start-up capital from venture capitalist or from Wall Street? (6) How many of them are married? What is their average age? What is their average number of children? What is their average number of divorce etc?
The biggest surprise I found is "You can have it all". Besides the obvious wealth, this group of women is also relatively young, with an average age of 58 which is about 10 years younger than their male counterparts. To top it all, over 95% of them are married and over 90% have children, with average number of children 2.7. About one third of them (12 out of 36) are either (1) high school dropouts (2) high school graduate or (3) college dropouts. More than 90% of them have great success in both business and family. A few of them are household names, such as Oprah Winfrey and JK Rowling, most are little known even in their own countries.
This is the first of a series of book on self-made billionaires. We build museums to house famous artists. We adore great athletes in Olympics and Word Cup. We adore super-entertainers, and we create Nobel Prize for super-scientists and super-politicians. So, why not celebrate self-made billionaires too? Why not build a pantheon for self-made women billionaires?
There are two reasons why I chose woman group to start. The first reason is start-small, a valuable lesson I learned in the many start-up failures I have had. The woman group with only 36 members, allows me to start-small. I have a database of more than 1,000 self-made billionaires. If I include a few hundreds, I think I will bore most readers. The second reason is my Christian values, which lead me to begin my study with one of the most disadvantaged group.