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Some of the nation's most compelling ghost stories owe their origin to "The Father of Waters." Ghosts along the Mississippi River is the first book-length collection of ghost tales from the small towns and bustling cities that have grown up along its banks. The states represented in this book include Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Unlike most collections of "true" ghost stories, Ghosts along the Mississippi River draws from the folk traditions of the northern and the southern United States.

These tales are populated with Federal and Confederate soldiers, Native Indians, wealthy entrepreneurs, actors, college students, hotel owners, preachers, slaves, and planters. According to some paranormal investigators, the large number of ghost stories from the Mississippi's river towns, and from watery sites all over the world, are proof that large bodies of water are conductors of psychic energy. Granted, no concrete proof exists that there is a definite connection between the river and any actual ghosts or spiritual phenomena. What is indisputable, though, is the fact that the ghost stories included in Ghosts along the Mississippi River are an invaluable record of the values, dreams, fears, and lives of the people who have called the river home.

After watching football all day, I can wind down by reading such a relaxing type book.:)
Thanks and reps sent for this scary share SS!
Not much good on Sunday night tv, so I read this tonight, thanks for sharing.

I wanted to post a PDF link for this share but the epub download was infected. Even when I temporarily silenced my anti-virus in order to convert the epub to pdf, there was still a problem.

Here is my Virus Total scan result:

[Image: 2018-09-24_1224.png]

If you have Avast or AVG installed, you will have an issue opening this e-book regardless of its format. Any other anti-virus program will not find a problem, though.

I found this book on {{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}.org; I'm not sure that's where StillStanding got it but that file was infected, as well.

So, I have removed my Zippy download link because fjohnson59 alerted me that the PDF did not open. Sorry.

File name: Ghosts along the Mississippi River.pdf
File size: 1.33 MB
Last analysis: 2018-09-24 19:23:24 UTC

I prefer PDF vs. ePub. I have Avast and I got a "Failed - Network error" when I tried to download via the PDF link. So, I guess I will download the ePub link ... I enjoy good ghost stories now and then and have one or two of my own to tell. 29alking +5 reps added for StillStanding and Layna61524.
@fjohnson59: Thank you for the update. Sorry the link didn't work for you ... I will remove it immediately.

I scan everything with Norton before I share it. I personally don't trust free anti-virus programs, there's a reason why their free.:)

I was curious so I converted this share to pdf using and I also got the same result, the pdf was infected according to Avast and AVG.
@StillStanding: Thanks for your extra effort. I seem to be able to read the e-pub format (I prefer PDF) but I'll do okay with the e-pub version.

@fjohnson59: Thanks, buddy, for your kind words and the REPS.

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